Juipo Options Responsive Theme Elgg 1.8
Category: Themes
Juipo Options is a Premium Elgg 1.8 Theme with Responsive Layout, custom multi options settings page allowing you to create custom Register page, Front page and even add extra css styles to design your site the way you want without knowing any coding. Comes with 6 pre-defined color designs (Blue, Red, Black, Green, Brown and Purple), multi column layout, custom content Slider, custom Register page, custom widgets, Google Adsense, Social icons, posting from activity, scroll to top button, support for Walled garden, most third-party plugins, languages, SEO Friendly meta titles and so much more. This super flexible theme comes with so many features it is impossible to list them all but one thing is for sure, it offers endless layout and design possibilities with just a few clicks from the theme settings page. You will not find anything like this anywhere.
Test Juipo Options Theme user: optionstheme, password: optionstheme This Elgg Theme now has Responsive layout for better viewing on smaller screens, tablets and mobile phones with new mobile, Facebook style menu. Also includes iPhone Apple Touch Home Screen Icon and Startup Splash Screen. When user saves your site to Home Screen on iPhone, site will open inside a native container thus will be running like an iPhone App.
General Design & Layout Features
This Premium Elgg theme comes with numerous layout features all controlled in the Theme Settings page. Here is a small list of layout and design features.
- Responsive layout for mobile, tablets and smaller screens
- iPhone Apple Touch Home Screen Icon
- iPhone Apple Startup Splash Screen
- New Facebook style menu on for mobile users
- Select 2 or 3 column layout
- Select from 6 pre-coded colors (6 Themes in One !!!)
- Custom JQuery Html Content Slider Homepage
- Select Text or Image for your logo
- Specify url for your custom logo image, if image don’t exist it reverts to text
- Create custom Register page via WYSWYG editor
- Display new “scrolling” topbar along our custom topbar menu in header
- Post to wire via ajax – no page refresh from activity page
- Ajax activity – no page refresh when someone adds something
- Facebook style add blog, bookmark, file and wire from activity page !!!
- Custom profile Block in left sidebar – if 2 columns displays in right column
- Custom notifications in sidebar and topbar
- Custom widgets in sidebars – Site wide and user specific
- 2 custom dual widgets ( Friends/Online and Members/Online
- Google Adsense block – monetize your site !!!
- Support for friend request plugin
- Support for Izap Videos, Event Manager, etc.
- Custom User and Group icons
- Custom Icons for page titles and sidebar titles
- Custom loader animated image
- Social Networks Icons in footer
- Integrated Share This button
- SEO Friendly Meta Titles – Page Title before Site name
- Auto update Year Copyright in footer
- Scroll to top button
- Compatible with Elgg 1.8.x
Homepage, Custom Index and Slide
Theme comes with Custom Index and Walled Garden support for homepage layout and super cool Responsive layout. It features custom JQuery Slider, login with Lightbox pop up, register and password reset forms and latest widgets again all controlled in the Theme Settings page.
- Responsive layout for mobile, tablets and smaller screens
- New Facebook style menu on for mobile users
- New Scrolling topbar
- Custom Register page
- Supports Custom Index and Walled garden
- Select JQuery Slider or static Html for display
- Custom JQuery Content Slider – on Custom Index and Walled garden !!!
- 8 Admin editable slides with option to select in which order they appear in slider
- 4 html slides , add any html content via WYSWG
- 4 image slides with optional captions
- Images auto re-sized
- Login with Lightbox pop up register and password reset forms
- Select to display latest widgets or not
- Select to display main tools menu and search box or not for not loged in users
- Select to display login dropdown or not for not loged in users
- Login box in left column on other pages for not loged in users
- Redirect after login
Theme Settings Page
One of the coolest features is the Theme Settings page with sections neatly organized in tabs for easy navigation. It is your Elgg website cockpit. From here you can change your colors, design, layout, logo, widgets and setup your Slider, Google Adsense, Social icons and more. Here are few Settings options. View Demo
- Choose 2 or 3 column layout
- Choose from 6 pre-coded colors
- Choose Text or Image for your logo
- Choose to display cool “scrolling” topbar along our custom topbar menu in header
- Choose to display Facebook style Post to wire/Add Blbogs, etc form
- Choose which custom widgets displayed in sidebars – Site wide and user specific
- Create custom Register page via WYSWYG editor
- Add your own css styles via Admin
- Choose JQuery Slider or static Html for display on homepage
- Edit Slides via WYSWYG editor
- Default Html content slides, edit them or create new from scratch
- Choose to display Google Adsense
- Set your Google Adsense pub-ID and Custom channel ID
- Set your social networks, Facebook profile or fan page, Twitter, Google and Flickr.
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